Frequently Asked Questions

Can I alter my order after placing it?

Orders progress quickly to dispatch and cannot be changed once confirmed. Verify all details before checkout. If you need an adjustment and it's not yet shipped, contact us immediately.

Will I be responsible for customs and import fees?

Recipients are responsible for these charges, which vary by country. We suggest checking with local authorities for potential costs. Most items on our site are below $100, usually not incurring customs fees.

What if I forget to use my discount code?

We're unable to apply discounts after order confirmation. If you missed using a code, contact us before your order ships for cancellation and reorder with the discount.

Why haven't I received email updates about my order?

Ensure the email provided is correct and check your spam folder. For missing emails, contact customer support.

My tracking number isn't working. What should I do?

Tracking numbers can take up to 10 days to activate. If it's still inactive after this period, reach out to us for assistance.

What if my order doesn't arrive within the expected time frame?

Delays can occur due to holidays or customs. We ask for your patience and assure you we are doing our best to expedite delivery.

The tracking shows delivered, but I haven't received my package. What's next?

Contact your local post office with the tracking number provided. If the issue persists, inform our customer support.

I only received part of my order. Where's the rest?

Items may ship separately from different warehouses. If you ordered multiple items, expect separate deliveries to avoid customs fees.

Can I get a refund or exchange for ordering the wrong size?

We can only replace defective or damaged items. Check our size guide carefully before ordering. For further details, visit our refund policy.

When will out-of-stock items be available again?

Popular items restock regularly. Use the "Notify Me" feature on the product page for restock alerts.

What's the policy for returns or exchanges?

Items can be returned for store credit within 14 days if unworn, unwashed, and tags intact. For exchanges, items must be of equal or lesser value. Visit our refund policy for details.

Can I return items not bought from your website?

No, please return non-website purchases to the original retailer.

How long does it take to process returns/exchanges?

Allow 2-3 weeks for processing. You'll get confirmation via email with tracking or store credit details.

What if my product is defective?

Report defects with photo evidence via our return/exchange page. Approved cases receive a prepaid return label and further instructions.

Can I return items bought on sale?

Items purchased at a discount are final sale and not eligible for return or exchange. Thank you for understanding.

Who covers the return shipping?

Customers cover return postage unless the item is defective or incorrect. We provide prepaid labels for such cases.

I've sent my return/exchange but haven't received an update.

Be assured it will be processed. For a quicker response, avoid multiple emails about the same issue. Use the provided tracking number to monitor your shipment's status.

What if I receive the wrong product?

Visit our return/exchange page, and we'll sort it out, including sending a prepaid label for the return.

How should I care for my gym apparel and gadgets?

Each product comes with specific care instructions. Generally, apparel should be washed cold and air-dried, and gadgets should be kept away from moisture and extreme temperatures.

Do you offer gift cards?

Yes, Gym Beast Mode offers gift cards available for purchase on our website. They're the perfect gift for fitness enthusiasts!

Can you recommend products for my workout routine?

Absolutely! Contact us with details of your routine, and we'll suggest the best apparel and gadgets to enhance your workout experience.

For more assistance or to ask a question not listed here, please email our dedicated support team at